Please. Before you begin this read—before any opinions are formed about me, or about my convictions or beliefs, before you get mad I want to set the tone for this blog. I am not coming at anyone out of anger or hatred, but rather gentleness and a hope for peace. Please know that I have spent time on my knees in prayer for you. For us. I may not know all of your names, but I prayed for you nonetheless. I may not know your circumstance—much like you may not know mine—but I know someone who knows you and it was to him I prayed. Please know, although you may not understand, that I love you—anonymous you. I empathize with how hurts, poor decisions and even joys and great decisions shape us. I have put sincere effort into understanding motivations. But most of all—please understand I am not judging you. I have no grounds to point a finger because I have a murderous, adulterous heart. I have no resources to cast condemnation.
It is my goal to try to get some empathy from you, my fellow women. I want to try to explain where I am coming from in an effort to get you to understand, not change your mind or your heart. Just simply understand. Just to “get me” and all the many other sisters who feel the same way—and in doing so, maybe we can begin to at least get along and not spew so much venom at each other.

Every opinion or conviction I hold, every step or decision I make, I strive to walk in what, for me, is my moral compass—Holy scripture. Having stated that—I understand that there are many people who do not ascribe any worth to the Bible. But to understand us, you need to know that’s where we get our convictions that hold us so strongly. We believe that the Word of God became flesh and his name is Jesus. And scripture is more than just a good suggestion for happy living—it is in itself Life.
For just a moment, remove any of your ideas about what Christianity is and start with a clean slate. If you open up this book, you will find a moral code that teaches that life begins in the womb. (Galatians 1:15; Psalm 139:13-16) Whether you agree with that teaching or not—that is where I base my opinion on abortion from and the conviction holds me. If I truly believe this — which I do— how can anyone expect me not to care?
We are women. I have noticed in my short life that we have several things (for the most part) in common by design. One of which is a maternal instinct. Even those of us who do not have children would lay down our life to protect a child, any child in an instant of danger. I have seen women sacrifice their lives (their wants, needs, freedoms, dreams, futures) for children they never gave birth to. It’s in us to mother and protect—again for the most part. Anyone, everyone would be broken if someone lined up two-year-olds and slaughtered them. Please, please, please understand—this is how I feel about unborn life. You may not agree. You may think this is ridiculous. However, it holds me and will not release me nor do I want it to. And to expect me not to care? It is impossible.
However, and this is important: I equally care for you, those who disagree with my convictions. Even though I believe ending a life in the womb is terribly wrong, I know that God loves the people who have made the decision or who believe it is their right. Because he loves you, I do too. If or when regret and pain invade your heart and soul because of this decision remember God loves you and desires for you to run to him for your comfort.

I have never believed that anyone changes from the outside in. Internal change in a person’s attitude ALWAYS comes from a change of heart. Something I do not have control over. In fact, it is none of my business. It is an issue between the Maker and that person. Therefore, I do not think that yelling will ever impress anyone into a change of attitude, in fact, I believe that it deepens the anchor. That is why I try to default to pray. When I see hatred spewing toward me because I hold a different view, I try to remember to pray before I react. And when I do, I see the person, not their actions and remember there is no joy in anger.
To my sisters in Christ who are burdened over this division in our country, let us commit to pray instead of complain. Empathize instead of criticize. Love instead of hate.
“But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.” Luke 6:27
It is my goal to try to get some empathy from you, my fellow women. I want to try to explain where I am coming from in an effort to get you to understand, not change your mind or your heart. Just simply understand. Just to “get me” and all the many other sisters who feel the same way—and in doing so, maybe we can begin to at least get along and not spew so much venom at each other.

Every opinion or conviction I hold, every step or decision I make, I strive to walk in what, for me, is my moral compass—Holy scripture. Having stated that—I understand that there are many people who do not ascribe any worth to the Bible. But to understand us, you need to know that’s where we get our convictions that hold us so strongly. We believe that the Word of God became flesh and his name is Jesus. And scripture is more than just a good suggestion for happy living—it is in itself Life.
For just a moment, remove any of your ideas about what Christianity is and start with a clean slate. If you open up this book, you will find a moral code that teaches that life begins in the womb. (Galatians 1:15; Psalm 139:13-16) Whether you agree with that teaching or not—that is where I base my opinion on abortion from and the conviction holds me. If I truly believe this — which I do— how can anyone expect me not to care?
We are women. I have noticed in my short life that we have several things (for the most part) in common by design. One of which is a maternal instinct. Even those of us who do not have children would lay down our life to protect a child, any child in an instant of danger. I have seen women sacrifice their lives (their wants, needs, freedoms, dreams, futures) for children they never gave birth to. It’s in us to mother and protect—again for the most part. Anyone, everyone would be broken if someone lined up two-year-olds and slaughtered them. Please, please, please understand—this is how I feel about unborn life. You may not agree. You may think this is ridiculous. However, it holds me and will not release me nor do I want it to. And to expect me not to care? It is impossible.
However, and this is important: I equally care for you, those who disagree with my convictions. Even though I believe ending a life in the womb is terribly wrong, I know that God loves the people who have made the decision or who believe it is their right. Because he loves you, I do too. If or when regret and pain invade your heart and soul because of this decision remember God loves you and desires for you to run to him for your comfort.

I have never believed that anyone changes from the outside in. Internal change in a person’s attitude ALWAYS comes from a change of heart. Something I do not have control over. In fact, it is none of my business. It is an issue between the Maker and that person. Therefore, I do not think that yelling will ever impress anyone into a change of attitude, in fact, I believe that it deepens the anchor. That is why I try to default to pray. When I see hatred spewing toward me because I hold a different view, I try to remember to pray before I react. And when I do, I see the person, not their actions and remember there is no joy in anger.
To my sisters in Christ who are burdened over this division in our country, let us commit to pray instead of complain. Empathize instead of criticize. Love instead of hate.
“But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.” Luke 6:27
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