Thursday, March 29, 2012

Christian v Christ Follower

From a young person at church last night:  "You do not have to follow Christ to be a Christian."  And although this person probably didn't mean it exactly the way it came out (I hope I hope), my observations lately among the American church would say that this is exactly what we think.  We have watered down the meaning of the word Christian to a point where it doesn't cost us anything to be one.

We are only interested in doing the bare minimum in order to escape the penalty of our sin--which is Hell.  We do not operate out of a motivation of love and devotion toward a holy God who launched a courageous and heroic campaign to save us from that penalty--simply because He loved us and we couldn't do it for ourselves.  Our motivation is to be comfortable, rich and content.

The truth is we MUST follow Jesus in order for Him to consider us His.  And His opinion is the only one that has any merit.  If He doesn't count us as a Christian, then it really doesn't matter if we think we are.

Being blessed with material wealth feels good to the flesh, but it doesn't do much for our spiritual health.  Most of us do not need to the point of crying out to God.  I believe that is why Jesus is moved to compassion for the poor, the brokenhearted, the weary--because they need and they know it.  

Look at your actions.  Are there any good deeds among them.  Are you loving God with all your heart, soul strength and mind?  Are you loving others like Jesus does?  What is your motivation for your service to others?  Is it to get a thank you, or a pat on the back, or to look good for your church buddies?  Or is is a swelling of desire in your being of appreciation and love, gratefulness and devotion to Christ because he first loved you and saved you?

Do not be deceived--you must follow Christ to be a Christian.

Luke 9:23 NKJV

Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me."